"Jesus: The Prophesied & Promised Messiah" Sermon with Pastor Grant
After watching the video, take time to absorb what you have heard, then ask yourself a few of these reflective questions. Choose whichever ones call to you the most!
1. Recognizing Jesus as the Fulfillment of Prophecy
How does knowing that Jesus fulfilled over 350 prophecies strengthen my faith? In what ways can I grow in my confidence that He is truly the Messiah?
2. Trusting in God’s Plan
If God orchestrated history so perfectly to bring Jesus into the world, how can I trust Him more fully with my own life, especially in uncertain times?
3. Proclaiming Christ in My Life
The Old Testament continually pointed to Jesus. How does my life point to Him? Do my words and actions proclaim that Jesus is Lord?
4. Responding to Doubt and Criticism
How do I respond when I or others around me struggle with doubts about Jesus? How can I lovingly and confidently share the truth of Christ with those who question His identity?
5. The Power of the Holy Spirit
Jesus was anointed by the Spirit to bring Good News and set people free. How is the Holy Spirit calling me to continue this mission today?
6. The Reliability of Scripture
Since prophecy confirms the truth of Scripture, how can I deepen my love for and knowledge of God’s Word so that it transforms my life?
7. Living in the Lord’s Favor
Jesus declared that the time of the Lord’s favor had come. How am I living in the freedom, grace, and purpose that He has made available to me?
8. Casting My Cares on Christ
In what areas of my life do I need to surrender my fears, worries, or burdens to Jesus, trusting that He is faithful?
9. Finding Peace in a Chaotic World
With so much fear, violence, and uncertainty in the world, how can I anchor myself in the unchanging truth of Christ? How does this impact the way I live daily?
10. Worshiping the Prophesied King
Knowing that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises, how can I live a life of deeper worship and gratitude to Him?