One of the greatest joys of being a Christian is that we are the benefactors of over two thousand years of theological and spiritual reflection from those who have gone before us in the faith. Sadly, so many of the great and aptly named classics written by the saints of old are often neglected and left forgotten by many who practice the faith today. Thus, the goal of this study is to dive into these masterworks and allow them to teach us in the 21st-century. Those who join our literary pilgrimage will have the opportunity to read from the likes of St. Augustine, St. Irenaeus, St. Athanasius, St. John Chrysostom, Brother Lawrence, Teresa of Ávila, Philipp Spener, Thomas à Kempis, Pope St. Gregory the Great, C. S. Lewis, and many more! So, if you love to read and are eager to dive more deeply into your faith, join us on a journey to grow spiritually by looking at the past.